Suppliers interested in doing business with Marriott International are encouraged to create a profile within the SupplierIO database. Please take the time to ensure your profile is complete including completing the "Additional Marriott International Questions" tab.
Registering your business with supplier.io does not obligate Marriott International or your company to proceed with any transaction or business relationship, nor does it confer any preferred supplier status.
Update Your Registration
If you already registered, it is important that you keep your company’s profile and diversity certification current.
Tier 2 Program
Welcome to the Marriott Tier 2 Spend Reporting Tool.
The Marriott's Tier II program reinforces our commitment to an innovative and inclusive procurement process. When our suppliers mirror our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion – our company and the communities we serve are stronger. Select prime suppliers are requested to submit quarterly reporting on their spending with minority, women, LGBT, people with disability and veteran-owned companies.
For More Information:
To learn about Marriott’s Supplier Diversity Program, please visit our website.
For technical assistance or questions please reach out to us support@supplier.io